Inside The World Of Anti-Abortion Activists Who Were Conceived In Rape And Incest


On Wednesday, thousands of anti-abortion activists gathered in Washington, D.C. to march and pray for an end to abortion. While the 41-year-old March for Life has focused solely on limiting abortion rights in the past, this year, the March got a new theme: adoption.

Pregnancy crisis centers have been plugging adoption as an abortion alternative for years, but the larger pro-life movement is now embracing it as a friendlier way to reach women. Perhaps because of this new marketing plan, a smaller subset of anti-abortion activists got more vocal this year. They are people who were conceived through rape and incest. Most were adopted into new families and think all babies conceived through the same horrifying circumstances deserve, in their words, the “right to life.”

Black Media Shills for Big Abortion

Abortion is the civil rights issue of our day. Black leaders from across the country are fighting the scourge of abortion, despite failed leadership from the NAACP, National Urban League and the Congressional Black Caucus. Black babies are aborted up to 5 times more than the majority population yet it is celebrated by so-called “civil rights” groups as “reproductive justice”. Martin Luther King Jr. did not fight for justice for the few, but for all. Let’s remind ourselves that when a government determines who is a person and who isn’t inhumanity follows. (Learn more at

A Former Pro-Choice Atheist Reflects on Sex, Abortion and Anger


Of all the things I remember about the Texas March for Life in Austin last January, the memory that stands out the most is the look on the faces of the counter-protesters who followed us along Congress Avenue and down to the capitol that frosty morning. When I glanced over to see the source of the epithets that were being screamed at us, I met the eyes of one young woman wearing a black bandana over the bottom half of her face. She happened to look over and meet my gaze, and in her eyes I saw one thing: hatred.

Pro-Life Film ’40’ Tackles Most Popular Pro-Abortion Arguments

“40” addresses the key arguments for Roe v. Wade and the pro-abortion movement in America by presenting testimonies of post-abortive women, men and women who survived abortions, and activists for the pro-life cause. Morales says it answers “all the arguments from the pro-abortion side with a myriad of testimonies.”

The film opens and closes with pro-life speaker Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, Morales told CP. “She had five abortions and then fell in love with Jesus Christ,” he explained. According to her booking website, Florczak-Seeman began using drugs and even attempted suicide to dull the post-abortive pain. She is now raising four children and speaking out for the unborn and post-abortive women.

The March for Life: Once We Get Moving

by Stephen Phelan

“Look at all these marchers, and they’re so young! We’re winning!”

“Look at the abortions still occurring, now paid for by hidden surcharges in insurance that most of us are going to have to pay for! We’re not winning, we’re losing!”

“Look at the polls, most people are pro-life now! We’re winning!”

“Analyze the polls. Most people are still ok with abortion in some cases, and they still think that “birth control” actually reduces the number of abortions. We’re losing!”

A Culture That Celebrates Abortion Wills Its Own Destruction

At a time when more and more Americans are coming to an awareness of how evil abortion is, President Barack Obama, the most fiercely pro-abortionist president in our history, is digging his heels in further.

This week, he made his annual statement glorifying this hideous practice on the anniversary of the infernal 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, which greatly restricted abortion laws.

Obama’s statement was as unapologetic as it was grotesque, celebrating an abominable procedure that ought to be outlawed — not glamorized, as the left does with it. Before you accuse me of hyperbole, be advised that Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz wished Roe v. Wade a happy 41st birthday. “Happy”?

The Ugly, Unknown Story Behind Roe v. Wade

by Scottie Hughes

It’s not often that I agree with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she was right for more reasons than she probably realized when she said last year that the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade went “too far, too fast.” Roe protected almost all abortions from the democratic process and led to four decades in which, by even the most conservative estimates, 50 million American babies were aborted and pulled from their mother’s womb.

RU 486 Abortions: When “Between a Woman and Her Doctor” Turns Out to be False


Specifically, the law is a Chemical abortion is the “cash cow” of the abortion industry. Contrary to pro-abortion claims that abortion should be between a woman and her physician, the reality is that there is little to no “physician-patient relationship” in the chemical abortion context. Women are given drugs and sent home to self-abort without any medical supervision.

Of course, this allows abortion providers to “serve” more women in a day—and cash in on their abortions. Seeking to protect the health of women, many states, such as Oklahoma, have sought to pass legislation reining in such misuse.

An abortion pill killed my daughter


The U.S. Supreme Court recently accepted a case Cline v. Oklahoma Coalition for Reproductive Justice,challenging Oklahoma’s regulation of the abortion drug Mifeprex commonly known as mifepristone, RU-486, or The Abortion Pill.​

The case is an appeal by the state of Oklahoma from a ruling by its Supreme Court striking down a 2011 law that requires prescribing physicians to follow the FDA’s protocol for administering the Mifeprex abortion pill regimen using a combination of two drugs; mifepristone and misoprostol.

A Rebuttal To Ten Pro-Abortion Arguments

By Paula Glennon

I ran across a top ten list from a pro-abortion website that was being used by someone making comments on a pro-life article.  This inspired me to compose a rebuttal.  I’m afraid the American public has become complacent, undiscerning, and easily duped by what they read on social media and other internet sites. 

I hope you will take the time to read and see what is being passed off as facts by our opposition, and what I have taken the time to research.  If you have time, please read some of the articles that are linked, to arm yourself with a more detailed understanding of the facts.  We must always be prepared to give a coherent reason for the pro-life stance that we take! 

Is President Obama Delusional?

There probably isn’t a pro-life activist alive who didn’t think what I thought when watching President Obama give his speech about Syria this week. To garner support for his plan to attack that country, Obama implored the American people to view the images of innocent children who had been poisoned to death by their own president. It was clear Obama wanted us to emotionally invest in their tortured deaths:

More on the Pill

by Andrea Mrozek

There’s a new book out about the Pill. This review pans the book:

In her new book Sweetening the Pill: or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control, Holly Grigg-Spall offers what she calls a “feminist critique” of hormonal contraception. She argues that the so-called liberating force  of the pill has been illusory. She claims that the pill keeps women in the thrall of patriarchal capitalism and destroys their health in the process. The addiction allusion in the title is not a metaphor—Grigg-Spall is convinced that the pill is an addictive drug.

Abortion’s ‘Invisible Grief’ Surfaces With Nationwide Gravesite Ceremonies


Most people will acknowledge that losing a child is a terrible thing. That’s why it is the focal point of the National Day of Remembrance set for Sept. 14.

This solemn event will memorialize tens of thousands of children buried at gravesites around the nation—a tiny fraction of the 55 million children killed by abortion since it was legalized in 1973. Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League are coordinating this day to heighten awareness that every abortion results in the death of an innocent child, to create an appropriate outlet for both personal and national grief, and to pray for an end to abortion.

Planned Parenthood’s Adoption “Gag Rule:” Abortion Pushed Over Adoption 391 to 1


Concerned about the prospect of taxpayer funded counselors steering women toward abortion, the Reagan Administration issued what its critics called a “gag rule,” prohibiting options counselors under Title X from referring women for abortions. Planned Parenthood and others challenged the rule, claiming that it prevented women from receiving full and unbiased information about all of their options. Although the Supreme Court upheld it in Rust v. Sullivan, the “gag rule” was one of the first to be repealed when President Clinton took office. However, it appears that a “gag rule” has reemerged –  as Planned Parenthood works to steer women toward the one option that is financially beneficial to Planned Parenthood, abortion.