Post-Abortion Counseling & Healing



Option Line ~ lets you search for post-abortion counseling and support in your area.


Rachel’s Vineyard ~ offers abortion recovery retreats and resources.


Abortion Recovery International Network (ARIN) ~ maintains a growing world-wide collaboration of Biblically-based abortion recovery organizations.


Silent No More Awareness Campaign ~ tell your story and read the stories of hundreds of other women and men who have been scarred by abortion, and many of whom have found God’s forgiveness and peace.


After Abortion ~ resources regarding post-abortion issues


Educational & Legislative Resources


Pro-Life Corner:

Supplies a weekly non-sectarian prayer to help Christians pray biblically about abortion.


Heritage House’76:

Provides the pro-life community with hundreds of helpful products and pro-life literature.


Stand for Life:

Pro-life commentary, videos, and links


Pro-Life Websites & Resources


40 Years of Roe:  How We Lost a Generation


And Then There Were None




American Holocaust Memorial


The Fathers on Abortion


Heartbeat International


H.I.S. Restoration Ministries


Last Day Ministries


Life Decisions International 


Life Dynamics 


Life International


Live Action 


National Right to Life

Pregnancy Crisis Centers & Information


Facing an unplanned pregnancy? Looking for Help? You’ve come to the right place then! We know that your mind is racing with questions and you probably feel a bit overwhelmed right now, but we are dedicated to ensuring that women, just like you, have the help and support they need to continue their lives. There are many programs and services available to help you with anything you need to not only keep you going, but also offer you a chance at the future that you’ve always wanted.