How Dare You Compare Abortion to the Holocaust or Slavery?


I have heard many people cry foul whenever any pro-lifer uses the Jewish Holocaust or slavery in America as a comparison to abortion. Many times at my talks someone will scold me during question-and-answer time, claiming to be offended that I would use such a comparison.

The problem they have is not really the fact that a comparison is being made to one of these horrific tragedies; after all, we build museums, memorials and reminders of what happened to make sure something like the Jewish Holocaust will never happen again. The problem really is that we have elevated what they consider to be a blob of tissue to personhood status.

A Father’s Letter to his Newborn Son


This morning, Russell Moore penned an article to his newborn son Taylor explaining the meaning behind his name. The entire letter is beautiful and most certainly worth the read. I wanted to highlight a few paragraphs here.


Early on in your unborn life, a doctor told us he thought you would have Down Syndrome. He turned out to be wrong, but we didn’t know that until you were born. Sadly, you probably won’t meet a lot of kids with Down Syndrome because so few of them ever make it to birth these days, so you might not even understand what that is.

In Defense of My Position on Abortion and Down Syndrome


I wasn’t going to respond to the following comment I just received on My Angry Down Syndrome Awareness post that I wrote last year. This person’s statements had been well crafted and had the ring of something she’d probably said a thousand times before. Someone who comes and posts such a thing is not easily swayed. I haven’t been able to get the things she said out of my head though, because too many women have been deceived into believing the same thing. I write this too, because I’ve received MANY other emails and comments that echo the same following sentiments:

Rare: a Pro-Life Play in Toronto about Down Syndrome


It is about people with Down syndrome and the title refers to the sad reality that there are fewer people with Down Syndrome — sad because they are being exterminated in utero solely due to their genetic flaw (an extra chromosone).

…“a scene about women who choose to have abortions rather than delivering children with Down syndrome.” There’s a letter to women pregnant with children diagnosed in utero with having the condition in which the character urges them to be brave. “Thompson says she fears Down syndrome adults may be a disappearing community as fewer children are being born with Down syndrome because of genetic testing.

Courage: Raped, Impregnated 13-Year-Old Girl Keeps Baby


I used Planned Parenthood’s own statistics to show the younger the pregnant mother, the more likely it is she is a victim of rape or incest. Bottom line: Abortion covers up child rape.

I received an amazing email from Anna, who gave me permission to post her story and her name. It is Anna when she was 13-yrs-old in the photo above, with her newborn daughter Josey. Here is their powerful story:

When I was little I was molested for eight years by my stepfather. He was an accomplished liar and fooled everyone, even my mom. No one knew. I was afraid to tell anyone; when you grow up hearing that bad things will happen if anyone finds out, you believe it.

A Child of Rape


Whenever attorney Rebecca Kiessling hears people condemn abortion except in the case of rape or incest, she feels a deep personal pain.

She was conceived during a rape. Her birth mother attempted to get an abortion, but they were illegal at the time and she ultimately decided against it. Her frightened mother gave up her baby for adoption instead.

Kiessling was adopted by a Jewish couple in Michigan who raised her in their faith and encouraged her to become a lawyer. Until her late teens, she had no idea of the circumstances of her birth or the identity of her birth mother.

My Rape Pregnancy and My Furor Over Social Myths

By Deana Schroeder

I’ve been there. Not Todd Akin.  Not Richard Mourdock.  And certainly not their critics who sanctimoniously imagine that they know what pregnant sexual assault victims really want and need.

As my story shows, all too often, our self-appointed champions do more harm than good.

I was 17, drugged and raped. When I learned I was pregnant, my family, counselors, and doctors took control.

They intended the best. They wanted to help me. And even though there are literally no studies showing any benefit from abortion, they had total confidence in the social myth that abortion is the best option, even the only option, in cases of sexual assault.

“What Do We Want?: Response To Author Anne Rice’s Open Call To Pro-Life Persons” (By Mary Anne)

“Anti-abortionists, what do you want for America? What is your vision for our country? You post here often and you are welcome. But I cannot fathom what you actually want. Do you want women imprisoned and forced to give birth? Do you want every miscarriage investigated as a potential homicide? Do you want abortion doctors and nurses sent to prison for murder? If you had absolute power, what kind of state would you create? I am asking this sincerely. We see your posts all the time on this page, but I cannot discover what your vision for America truly is. (I hope anti-abortionists on the page will respond sincerely.)”  [Anne Rice]

The Drop Box

In December 2009, a Korean pastor named Lee Jong-rak built a wooden “drop box” on the outer wall of his home. But the box wasn’t intended for clothing, food, or school supplies, it was meant to collect unwanted babies.

When “the drop box” “or “baby box” was constructed a few years ago, it flew completely under the radar of Korean government officials. However, as more and more children arrive in this box every week, the nation is starting to take notice.

Lee knows that his little wooden box isn’t the best solution, but his plight points to a much larger issue of abandonment, both in Korea, and across the globe.

Why I’m Pro-Life


A collection of 176 pro-life videos by a catholic mother of four:  “Many people don’t understand the idea of life beginning at conception and ending with a natural death. Here are some videos that will help you better understand why this matters to me.”

The Use of Graphic Images


By Bud Shaver- Prayer and a Pro-Life Witness

My wife Tara Shaver and I work with Project Defending Life (PDL) a Pro-Life ministry center in Albuquerque, NM, that has a vast amount of resources for abortion-minded women.  I have a rare opportunity to be both out on the street referring women at the abortion clinic to PDL and inside PDL as my wife Tara counsels the women that we reach.  My wife makes the point to ask the women what was it that changed their mind.  Time and time again the graphic images are what penetrated their heart and most contributed in saving their babies from abortion.

History of Roe v. Wade


“I felt ‘crushed’ under the truth of this realization. I had to face up to the awful reality. Abortion wasn’t about ‘products of conception.’ It wasn’t about ‘missed periods.’ It was about children being killed in their mother’s wombs. All those years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was wrong. No more of this first trimester, second trimester, third trimester stuff. ” – Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in the infamous Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade


Legislative Action


In roughly the last year, six states have passed laws to ban abortion at the 20th week after conception. The legislative approaches are different, but the goal is pretty much the same: to get around the 1973 Supreme Court decision that declared a woman’s right to abortion.

We think abortion should be a choice available to all women, paid for by the government if necessary, and without a lot of hypocritical regulations and limitations intended to make it difficult to obtain. But we respect the right-to-life movement as one of the only major interest groups in American politics that is dedicated to promoting interests other than its own.