Be The Next Bonhoeffer: Fight To End The American Holocaust

By Summer Hoover
I know I have quite a few pro-choice friends … well, maybe not after this. But there has been a stirring in my heart over this. A few months ago I began reading a book on Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas. Bonhoeffer was a German pastor prior to and during the rise of Hitler. He had a profound ability to see the truth when so many of his countrymen were feasting on a lie. Through his growing relationship with God and the growing evil (read = killing of Jews & others) around him, Bonhoeffer became a part of a conspiracy to assassinate Hitler. For him it was the only way to save God’s chosen people and his duty as a Christ-follower. He would be arrested, imprisoned in a concentration camp and executed, only a few weeks before the camp was liberated.