‘The Voyage of Life’



It’s only a Facebook page (as far as I can tell) named “Only for Nurses.” I stumbled across it and so much has happened since I did that I don’t recall who/what brought me to the computer-generated video that ran under the headline “Amazing Must Watch… And share

And I’m not entirely sure I can adequately explain what you see at “Odysee” (“Voyage”), only my conclusion: “Wow!”

All pro-lifers have seen probably a dozen (or many dozens of) fetal development videos. In my experience, with rare exceptions, they are exceptionally helpful.

So what makes “Odysee” special? Here’s my amateurish explanation:

#1. It’s brief—3 minutes, 24 seconds. Alas, as someone who finds it difficult to stay focused on any one item for very long, this is hugely important. (The music is even more difficult to explain other than (a) it’s experimental and (b) it fits the video.)

#2. There is a kind of natural unfolding, or progression, of the baby’s development. For starters that reminds you is how early a primitive heart develops. When the camera zooms in (actually zooms out), you have the first of many “Oh. Hmm!” responses.

#3. This is especially true (for me) of the baby’s hand. One second a bud, the next the limb extends, the next fingers. Similarly for the feet.

#4. Before you know it, the baby “looks” more like a baby. The child is no more or less a member of the human community than she was a few seconds (weeks, in real time) before. See just looks more like the idealized image we carry around in our heads. Obvious lesson? That’s the developmental sequence we all go through.

#5. The baby moves about more and more, her fully formed eyes open.

When you get to the end, you find out that this is taken from “L’ Odyssée de la vie” (The Odyssey of Life”), a 2006 documentary. Virtually everything about the documentary is in French, which I neither read or speak. Meaning I can’t give a thumbs up or down (or even sideways) to the documentary.

But I can wholeheartedly agree with “Just for Nurses”: this 3 minute, 24 second excerpt is “Amazing Must Watch… And share.”

This article originally appeared on National Right to Life News and is reprinted with permission.




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