Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse


A 2011 report notes that, “Abortion is often used as a tool by sexual predators and human traffickers.” NBC News tells the harrowing story of “Consuelo Carreto Valencia, a 4-foot-10, 61-year-old grandmother” who lived in New York. In July 2008, she pled “to smuggling dozens of women from Mexico and violently coercing them to perform sex acts.”

Obviously, this wrongdoing is sufficiently disgusting in itself. But the story doesn’t stop there: “Prosecutors said that Valencia was the matriarch of an extensive prostitution ring based in Mexico. The victims were compelled to perform sex acts 12 hours a day and were subjected to beatings, rape and forced abortions, they said.”

Multiply this out thousands of times, and you’ll have a sense of the grim reality faced daily by coerced “sex workers” throughout the country. Estimates vary; Shared Hope International estimates that minimally, “100,000 American children are being exploited through pornography or prostitution every year.” A leading anti-trafficking initiative, the Polaris Project, received nearly 20,000 calls in 2011 alone.

Where do they work? In brothels, on the street, at truck stops, massage parlors, strip clubs, in pornographic films, bars—anywhere a vulnerable young woman can be preyed upon.

There is no question that abortion is common among women who are bought and sold like chattel for sexual purposes. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation’s largest abortion provider, has shown a willingness to aid and abet in this deviant, abusive enterprise. After viewing LiveAction‘s undercover filming of underage abortion at PPFA clinics, Dottie Laster, an expert on child trafficking,wrote:

“After viewing the Planned Parenthood video my first thoughts were of the victims I have served over the last eight years. Specifically the women and girls—their horrendous statements of rape, gang rapes, torture, branding, starvation, extortions, assault and their reports of repeated forced abortions and miscarriages due to the trauma they received. I have often wondered where these multiple abortions took place and how medical professionals had not seen the extensive trauma to their bodies, spirits and souls.”


For several months Life Dynamics has been conducting an investigation into the issue of teen pregnancy. What we have found can only be described as sickening. Underage girls, some as young as 10 years old, are being sexually exploited by adult men in numbers that are unprecedented in American history.

According to the most reliable studies, among girls 15 and younger who become pregnant, between 60 and 80 percent of them are impregnated by adult men.

We have also uncovered data showing that as the age of the victim goes down, the age of the perpetrator goes up.

In America today, we have reached the point where a junior high school girl is more likely to become pregnant by an adult than by someone close to her own age.

One study concluded that the average age of men who father children with girls under 14 is now higher than the average age of men who father children with 18-year-olds.

By almost any standard, our country is experiencing an epidemic of child sexual abuse. In this report you will see that the driving force behind this tragedy is the fact that men who prey on underage girls have powerful national organizations that are willing to harbor them. Our investigation has uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation – often operating on taxpayer dollars – knowingly conceal these crimes while aiding and abetting the sexual predators who commit them.

With the information we now have, it is simply undeniable that Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation have made a conscious decision to conceal the sexual exploitation of children and protect the men who commit these crimes.

We have uncovered an overwhelming body of statistical evidence showing that the rate at which these two organizations fail to comply with mandatory reporting laws is in excess of 90 percent. This data was obtained from government sources, medical journals, independent researchers and the abortion industry itself.

To test this conclusion we conducted a covert survey in which we called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities across the country. Our caller portrayed a 13-year-old girl who was pregnant by her 22-year-old boyfriend. Her story was that she wanted an abortion because she and her boyfriend did not want her parents to find out about the sexual relationship. In every call the ages of the girl and her boyfriend were made perfectly clear. It was also made clear that the motivation for the abortion was to conceal this illicit sexual activity from the girl’s parents and the authorities. Additionally, our caller never said a single thing that might suggest that her parents would become abusive if they discovered her sexual activity.

The results of this survey were appalling. Even though many of these clinic workers openly acknowledged to our caller that this situation was illegal and that they were required to report it to the state, the overwhelming majority readily agreed to conceal this illegal sexual activity.

Some employees of these organizations even coached our caller on how to avoid detection, how to circumvent parental involvement laws and what to say or not say when she came to the clinic. In a significant number of instances she was encouraged to lie about – or conceal – her age or her boyfriend’s age or to give false names.

One of the clinic representatives who acknowledged that she was required by state law to inform at least one of our caller’s parents in writing that their daughter was seeking an abortion, went on to advise our caller that the best way to hide this from her parents was to use a fictitious address when she checked-in for her abortion.

During these calls it was not uncommon for the Planned Parenthood or National Abortion Federation representative to warn our caller that if someone were to find out about this situation her boyfriend could go to jail. In those situations it was unmistakable that our caller was being instructed to be more careful about what information she gave out and to whom. It was also not uncommon for the employee to interrupt our caller when she started talking about her age or the age of her boyfriend. On those occasions the obvious indication was that the employee did not want to hear this information.

In other calls the facility employee advised our caller that she had already provided too much information for them to be able to help her. In those instances she would often be given the number of another family planning facility and encouraged to tell a different story when she called there. At times, this advice was quite specific with the employee telling her exactly what to say – or not say – to the people she talked to at the second facility.


According to Mark Crutcher, founder of Life Dynamics, “The abortion lobby is engaged in a pedophile protection racket and protecting pedophiles who rape underage girls. These abortion clinics receive money from the federal government. We are literally paying for the rape of our young daughters.”

Life Dynamics studied this issue by analyzing several hundred instances in which older men were convicted of sexual crimes against minor girls.  In an alarming number of these cases, there was a point at which the victims were taken for birth control, pregnancy tests, STD treatments and abortions – usually by the perpetrator – with no mandatory reporting made by those who provided the service.  In almost every case, the sexual abuse resumed afterward and, many times, it would go on for years.

You have to remember what’s happening right there,” Crutcher said. “You have an adult in a state talking to what they perceived to be a 13-year-old child who was a victim of sexual abuse by an older man and telling that child to lie about his age in order to conceal the crime. If you’re a parent, especially if a father and you’re not outraged then you don’t have a pulse.”

To test this further, Life Dynamics conducted  an undercover investigation in which we called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities across the nation. The results of this survey were appalling. Even though many of these clinics openly acknowledged to our caller that this situation was illegal and they were required to report it to the state, the overwhelming majority readily agreed to conceal this illegal activity.

When we began to investigate we found it was even worse than we thought it was. Initially we thought perhaps the abortion clinics were only reporting half of the incidents, but instead we found that they were reporting hardly any of them,” said Crutcher.

To address the problem, Life Dynamics, Inc. has contacted over 53,000 personal injury attorneys to educate them about the pedophile protection racket being covered up inside these clinics.

The DVD released to the legal community, begins, “ You are going to learn about an area of personal injury litigation that is enormous and growing daily.  Make no mistake, what you are about to see could literally revolutionize your practice.  It could also put you on the cutting edge of solving one of our nation’s most troubling – but most hidden – social problems.”

Crutcher explains,  “Three things we point out in the DVD are that abortion, dissemination of birth control or treatment for STDs are all indications of sexual activity and when they are indicated, on its face that is evidence of child abuse and must be reported.

Of those three activities, the smallest number is going to be abortions while the largest number is birth control. If you just look at abortion, which is the smallest number of the three, there are nearly 3,500 abortions done in America every single day. The abortion industry and government figures show 25 percent to 40 percent of abortions are done on minor girls. This is potentially of thousands of victims every single day just from abortions.”

The response to the DVD has been tremendous so far.

In fact, many of the attorneys Life Dynamics contacted see the value in pursuing litigation against those who violate mandatory reporting laws.

This is an outrage and what is going on here is absolute and utter scandal. If you simply look at the numbers on these things this is the largest criminal conspiracy in American history, ” Crutcher stated,  “The phones are ringing off the hook.”


Indeed, what is perhaps most disturbing is that abortion is often used as a tool by sexual predators and human traffickers. A 2009 MSNBC report on sex trafficking described victims being forced into abortion when they became pregnant. In 2008, Consuelo Carreto Valencia pleaded guilty to trafficking women and girls into the U.S. from Mexico and forcing them to work as prostitutes. Investigators said Valencia was the head of a prostitution ring in which the victims “were compelled to perform sex acts 12 hours a day and were subjected to beatings, rape and forced abortions.”

So it is very likely that a woman or girl who seeks help has already been a victim of abortion – perhaps more than once. As mentioned above, both prior sexual assault and prior abortion are known risk factors for psychological problems after abortion. Encouraging or suggesting that a trafficking victim abort in such circumstances will only add trauma on top of trauma.

Further, undercover investigations of abortion facilities by Live Action (and earlier, Life Dynamics) have found that abortion clinic staff are often enabling and even facilitating the sexual abuse of women and girls. When Live Action sent undercover investigators posing as sex traffickers into clinics, they filmed staffers advising the supposed traffickers on how to get abortions for underage victims while avoiding the law.

“A Death Sentence”

Steven Wagner, former director of HHS and the creator of the USCCB program to help trafficking victims, says that HHS’s policy of giving funds only to groups that promote abortion is exploitative and could be deadly for women.

In a piece at the National Catholic Register, he wrote that “to provide abortions or regimes of contraception to a person currently being exploited for commercial sex might very well be a death sentence.” Further:

… If someone is being trafficked — which is to say, under the domination of a pimp/trafficker — she is by definition unable to provide informed consent to an abortion or to a regime of contraception. The victim has no voice in this decision. Indeed, providing such services to a victim of sexual trafficking benefits only the trafficker by getting the victim back out on the street and making money sooner.

The average age of entry into commercial sex exploitation is about 14. The average life expectancy of someone in commercial sexual exploitation is seven years. Start at 14, dead by 21. The mortality rate for someone in commercial sexual exploitation is 40 times higher than for a non-exploited person of the same age. Helping a victim return to exploitation more quickly by terminating a pregnancy increases the odds of death.

Kristy Childs is a survivor of commercial sexual exploitation and the founder of Veronica’s Voice, an organization in Kansas City that rescues victims. She tells me there have been many live births among her clients over the past 12 years, but she has yet to be asked for help getting an abortion. “Pregnancy often leads a woman to seek rescue and a new life,” she said.

Abortion, on the other hand, is usually unwanted and often traumatic, used as a tool by sex traffickers and puts women and girls at further risk for more trauma and continued abuse. Organizations working to rescue and help victims need to work for solutions that will actually help women, instead of further endangering and abandoning them to abortion – and getting taxpayer funds to do so.


The South Dakota HB 1217, is a bill designed to reduce coercive abortions.  At the heart of the bill is a requirement that before a woman can abort her child, she must seek counseling and education concerning the abortion at a pregnancy center–a facility that, unlike the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, does not have a financial incentive in seeing the woman go through with the abortion.

Studies show that the more information women have about abortion and the life inside them (information about the baby, ultrasound, etc), the less they will actually go through with the abortion.  Education and information is anathema to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.  Can we really say that a person or organization who wants to keep others ignorant and in the dark has the well being of those others at heart?  Of course not.  This becomes very evident when we watch the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood helping cover up prostitution, underage sex and statutory rape.

Planned Parenthood and abortion services are an integral part of facilitating the human trafficking/sex trafficking business. How many young girls run away from home…only to end up sucked into the underground life of sex trafficking and prostitution?  How many young girls are kidnapped and imprisoned into this life?

So it isn’t just the boyfriend, husband, father, or employer who coerces some women into aborting their own child.  Sex traffickers coerce their young prisoners into killing their children, too.

Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, has a column at today which points out that abortionists are the sex traffickers’ best ally.  She tells how she came to this conclusion:

Ten years ago it struck me that, if a girl is sexually trafficked, at some point she will end up pregnant, and traffickers will take their victims to abortionists in order to keep selling them.

If a woman genuinely wants to abort her own child after having received information about the life inside her, she will not be prevented from doing so.

But if a woman or young girl is being pressured into killing her child because her boyfriend doesn’t want the hassle, or her husband doesn’t want the responsibility, or her parents don’t want the shame, or her employer doesn’t want to give her the time off, don’t we owe it to her to provide her an opportunity to reach out for help at a time when she probably feels profoundly alone?

If a young girl has been enslaved by sex traffickers, shouldn’t we be able to count on the abortion clinic (a facility which claims to care about women) to help rescue her?  Since Planned Parenthood has repeatedly demonstrated that we can’t rely on them to uphold the law and help women, is it too much to ask that the young girl be given a second chance at not only information but freedom by going to a pregnancy center and talking to someone who doesn’t have a financial interest in seeing her go through with the abortion–someone she could tell about her captors and expect to receive help?


Planned Parenthood has been repeatedly found to have failed to report suspected cases of sexual abuse and child rape to authorities.

In February 2011, Planned Parenthood was caught on video in an undercover investigation covering up for and coaching a man and a woman posing as sex traffickers and inquiring about how to obtain abortions for the women they victimized.

The sting operation has the actors looking into testing for sexually transmitted diseases and contraception and birth control for their female underage sex slaves. Planned Parenthood officials say they want to help the pair make their whole operation “look as legit as possible.”

The Planned Parenthood official also coaches the alleged sex traffickers on how soon they can put underage female sex slaves back to work. The prostitute in the video asks how long after the abortion until the girls can have sex again, and, when the Planned Parenthood official says “minimum of 2 weeks,” she asks what sex acts the girls could still do to make money.

In one case out of Ohio, a fourteen year old girl was impregnated by her twenty-two year old soccer coach, a man that she and her parents trusted.  The coach knew that he needed to get this “problem” taken care of as quietly as possible since the pregnancy was proof of his statutory rape – repeated statutory rape, in fact, that began almost a year earlier.  He turned to Planned Parenthood.

With no questions asked, the Planned Parenthood clinic allowed him to sign for the minor’s abortion in place of her mother and father and to speed up the process and perform the abortion quickly in violation of the state’s 24-hour waiting period.  Planned Parenthood staffers didn’t report the sexual abuse to the authorities either – leaving the coach with the opportunity to continue molesting his victim.


As a symbol of women’s rights, the 1973 Supreme Court decision was almost as important to women as the suffrage amendment of half a century earlier, and almost as controversial. It has freed women from fear, from dependency, from the threat of injury and ill health, and it gave them a new power to shape their own lives.

The social ramifications of Roe, as well as the medical and moral ones, have continued to galvanize both sides. Those who thought the historic 7-2 decision settled the issue once and for all were, it turns out, naively optimistic. Abortion has become the most emotional, most explosive political topic of the decade.

Abortion was available in the years before 1973. The difference was that when women decided they needed an abortion before ‘Roe vs Wade’, they risked death, pain, serious injury, sterility and criminal prosecution. Since the legalization of abortion, the procedure has become much safer, cheaper and more commonly performed.

Many women report that they were directly threatened by the father of the baby, insisting that they abort. Underage women report that their parents ‘made’ them have an abortion, telling them “Abort or leave the house”. To a young woman still in high school, staying pregnant and becoming homeless is very scary and overwhelming. These young women abort, because they feel they have no other choice.

Permissive abortion policy has created a climate where men can enjoy sexual relations with little or no concern for their consequences. Abortion is often misrepresented as solely a women’s issue; clearly, however, it is a men’s issue as well as long as men are interested in protecting their sexual liberty.”


Child sex abuse scandal occurring inside abortion and Planned Parenthood facilities: Life Dynamics, in Denton, Texas has documented that mandatory reporting statutes which require healthcare workers to report reasonable suspicions of child sexual abuse to the authorities are being ignored inside American abortion, Planned Parenthood and family planning centers.

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