58 Babies Develop Cerebral Palsy Annually in England Because Moms Had Abortion


Almost 60 premature babies are born with cerebral palsy in England and Wales every year because their mothers had previous abortions.

This is because 15% of babies born before 28 weeks develop cerebral palsy and 400 premature births before 28 weeks each year are attributable to abortion. 15% of 400 is 60. This calculation is based on the studies below.

It is well known that women who have abortions are more likely to suffer from pre-term births in subsequent pregnancies.

here are now at least 119 articles in the world literature attesting to the association, and very few indeed that contest it (see review).

Woman Conceived in Incest: Please Don’t Kill Children Like Me in Abortion


Kristi Hofferber has always known she was adopted. At three days old she was welcomed into the loving home of her parents, who were unable to have biological children. She was an only child, and her parents felt no need to hide the adoption, as they knew adoption wasn’t something to be ashamed of. And Kristi wasn’t ashamed, but she was worried that if she looked for her birth mother, it might hurt her parents in some way. So for years, she denied that she had any desire to find her birth family.

Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – Arizona


Live Action today released a third undercover video exposing Phoenix, AZ late-term abortion doctor Laura Mercer and an abortion center counselor who would leave a newborn, struggling for life after a failed abortion, to die. This is the third in a series of undercover videos, found at www.liveaction.org/inhuman, involving the illegal and inhuman practices of late-term abortion centers, as well as describing in horrific detail what happens to the mother and baby in a late-term abortion.

When asked by the undercover investigator what would happen if the baby were to survive the abortion, Linda, an abortion center counselor, admits they would not help the baby:

Planned Parenthood – Eugenic Roots


Posted on February 24, 2011 by Bloodmoney

Planned Parenthood is not a name people normally associate with racist or eugenic organizations. But in this article, I will present some chilling, documented evidence that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an avowed racist and eugenicist, and that her organizations had several ties to modern history’s most devastating experiment in eugenics: the Third Reich.


The Eugenics Movement of the 19th Century

Thomas R. Malthus was a leading thinker in the eugenics movement of the 19th century. The movement warned that overpopulation was a dire problem for the future well-being of the human race, that it was a prime cause of poverty, and that the only solution was a purification of the race through a purging of the “unfit” from the gene pool.

FDA: Morning-after pill to move over-the-counter


The government is moving the morning-after pill over the counter but only those 15 and older can buy it — an attempt to find middle ground just days before a court-imposed deadline to lift all age restrictions on the emergency contraceptive.

Today, Plan B One-Step is sold behind pharmacy counters, and buyers must prove they’re 17 or older to buy it without a prescription. Tuesday’s decision by the Food and Drug Administration lowers the age limit and will allow the pill to sit on drugstore shelves next to spermicides or other women’s health products and condoms — but anyone who wants to buy it must prove their age at the cash register.

Poll: Most Americans Familiar with Planned Parenthood, But Don’t Know that Planned Parenthood Performs Abortions


Recent polling by the Polling Company found that a substantial majority of registered voters say that they are familiar with Planned Parenthood and a majority has a favorable impression of that organization.  However, the same poll found that a majority did not know that Planned Parenthood performs abortions, despite the fact that it is the largest provider of abortions in the United States.

“The polling reflects the results of Planned Parenthood’s campaign to publicly minimize and obfuscate its involvement with abortion.” said David N. O’Steen, Ph.D., National Right to Life Executive Director.

Texas 14-year-old given abortion pills against will by abuser



A 51-year-old Texas man has been accused of allegedly impregnating a 14 year-old girl and then coercing her into taking abortion pills to terminate her baby.  Under the Texas Prenatal Protection Act passed in 2003, inflicting bodily injury to a pregnant woman resulting in the death or injury to her unborn child is a criminal offense.

Mauricio Hernandez was arrested in North Texas after the young girl was admitted to the hospital for excessive bleeding.  The girl told officials that she gave birth in a portable toilet after Hernandez reportedly gave her two abortion pills without her knowledge or consent.  Police found the full-term child submerged in the toilet.

Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – Washington, D.C.


Live Action today released a second undercover video revealing how leading D.C. late-term abortion doctor Cesare Santengelo would leave a baby struggling for life after a failed abortion to die. The video is the second in a series of undercover videos, found at www.liveaction.org/inhuman, involving a number of late-term abortion clinics engaging in illegal and inhuman practices, as well as explaining in graphic terms what happens to the victims of late-term abortion.

Gosnell and America’s Holocaust by April Lakata Cao


There is a quote that says:

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

And in an effort to remember the truly awful, the incomprehensible worst of humanity, I often pour myself into Holocaust memoirs or biographies because I don’t want to forget. Although I have no ties to the era, the war or the people, the plain evilness of it all haunts me. It is almost beyond my comprehension to understand the apathy of an entire country who collectively turned a blind eye to the humiliation, brutality and murder of neighbors, friends and  coworkers. I have seen the documentaries, the footage of skeletal survivors and piled high corpses. Men, women and children just like my family that did nothing but become the abject focus of a mad man. How easy it became to dismiss them. To see them as less than human.

Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – New York


Live Action today released an undercover video of an abortion counselor at a clinic in the Bronx, NY, describing, with gruesome details, what is done with a baby who survives an abortion attempt.  This is the first in a series of undercover videos, found at www.liveaction.org/inhuman, involving a number of late-term abortion clinics engaging in illegal and inhuman practices, as well as explaining in explicit detail what happens to the victims of late-term abortion.

Members of Congress Speak Out Against Kermit Gosnell & the Media


Eighteen members of Congress went to the floor of the House today to do the job they said the mainstream media is not doing:  talking about the murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell.

The speeches were organized by Rep. Marlin Stuzman (R-IN) and were delivered during designated times when Members are given one minute to speak on the subject of their choice.

See the list of speeches at:


Some 72 members of Congress have signed on to a letter demanding that the mainstream media provide coverage of the murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell.

Why Gosnell’s ‘house of horrors’ is the logical result of legalized abortion


Abortion advocates are essentially no different from Nazis or Soviet Communists. All of them have picked a class of humans to sacrifice. Let’s take the Nazis for example: over a period of time and by a series of complex political and social occurrences and manuevers, the Jew became Germany’s scapegoat. Getting rid of Jews (and priests, and gypsies, and homosexuals, and the mentally and physically disabled, etc.) was a necessary sacrifice to make Germany better, more prosperous, and safer. The exterminations took place somewhere else, where the average Berlin shop girl couldn’t see and wonder at the clusters of buildings surrounded by barbed wire, the oily smoke rising from the chimneys.

Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America


Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America is a 2009 pro-life documentary film which draws a connection between the targeting of African Americans by the eugenics movement in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the modern-day prevalence of abortion among African Americans. The film argues that abortion is an attempted genocide or maafa of black people, and has been so since the 19th century.

‘The Voyage of Life’



It’s only a Facebook page (as far as I can tell) named “Only for Nurses.” I stumbled across it and so much has happened since I did that I don’t recall who/what brought me to the computer-generated video that ran under the headline “Amazing Must Watch… And share

And I’m not entirely sure I can adequately explain what you see at “Odysee” (“Voyage”), only my conclusion: “Wow!”

All pro-lifers have seen probably a dozen (or many dozens of) fetal development videos. In my experience, with rare exceptions, they are exceptionally helpful.

14 Injuries at Obama-Funded Planned Parenthoods


In the past 22 months there have been at least 14 medical emergencies at Obama, funded Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, showing how Obama’s policies hurt women.
