Religion & Abortion


“Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.” —Job 4:8


“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.  Rescue the weak and needy; Deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
–Psalm 82:3-4


“You formed my most inner being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!”
–Psalm 139:13-14


Legalized abortion has snuffed out more than 50 million lives since Roe v. WadeKilling the unborn has disturbed our human nature and perverted it (Deuteronomy 32:5; Romans 7:23).


People are called to honor life, but the negative effects from abortion’s anti-life mentality has manifested itself with even more violence (Genesis 9:6).

Paul Ramsey so powerfully reminds us, “A child is not a piece of childhood.” We are not called to stand against abortion on behalf of childhood. Rather we are called to see the child being taken away to death. We must learn to see the abortion fight as patently personal, emotionally intimate, and ethically imminent. We can rage against the machine and shout against the system for a political lifetime (as we should), but if we fail to step into the real flesh and blood of the matter, we become  noisy gongs and clanging cymbals (1 Corinthians 13). We say to our neighbors “be warmed and filled,” but refuse to give them the actual help they need (James 2).

Let there be no doubt: the unborn children in your community need you to hate abortion in the abstract. That much is morally required of you. But make no mistake, a mere hatred of evil is not all they need. They need you to step into the forest, and rescue them -with words, with prayers, and ultimately with the initiating and effecting power of the Holy Spirit – from the sure destruction that awaits them within the walls of your local abortion clinic. There are not just children dying in your community. This morning, there is death coming to a child. It is his voice and his silent scream that cries out to the Father for deliverance. It is his death that makes abortion inhumane.

May we all learn how to shudder at that fact.


To cure the genocide of real weapons of war in other lands, and yet sustain the medical genocide of abortion that kills 3000-4000 Americans daily in our own land, is sheer lunacy…[letter written by a woman who experienced two abortions years ago]

Galatians 5:14: “The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (I think that INCLUDES an unborn child and euthanasia of the elderly.)

The decay and moral turpitude of our nation shows how far we’ve sunk in depravity. There is no sin anymore. The churches no longer preach sin and salvation much less the full Bible. Not only are we murdering the innocents in the womb, but euthanasia is accepted as a kind and caring way to pass the elderly from life to death with deprivation of food and hydration. This is, in fact, a terribly painful death. This form of passive euthanasia has been practiced for many decades in America’s nursing homes. Sin used to slink around in the back allies of America, but now the broken sewer spews it’s filth down Main Street America and no one seems to notice.


For any real national healing to occur – in order to un-ring the culture-of-death bell – we must collectively surrender. We must recommit ourselves as “one nation, under God,” to the underlying culture of life that such a commitment presupposes.

If we don’t, we’re done.

2 Chronicles 7:14 gives us hope: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

Indeed, the restoration of our land begins with you and me.

It ends with Him.


A Gallup analysis of American public opinion on abortion finds that attitudes are strongly related to both religion and politics. Christians have stronger anti-abortion views than non-Christians, and those who frequently attend church have stronger anti-abortion views than those who attend less frequently. These relationships hold up even within partisan groups. While Republicans as a whole are more likely than Democrats to have anti-abortion views, identifiers with both parties who frequently attend church have stronger anti-abortion views than those who attend less frequently.

“We as a nation – as a people – have turned our backs on God. We have rebelled against Him and have forgotten that it was He and He alone who gave us 200-plus years of prosperity, unprecedented in world history.” – Matt Barber

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